CAS U16s Rugby Team Announced

Congratulations to the following boys that have been selected in the U16s CAS Rugby team.

Mark Falaniko-Brown Peterson-Patolo Barker College
Cy Preketes Waverley College
Cruz Cronan Cranbrook School
Roman Leilua Waverley College
Nicholas Kotarac Knox Grammar School
Angus Kooyman Knox Grammar School
Adam Middlewick Knox Grammar School
Charlie Grant Waverley College
Alexander Ryan Knox Grammar School
Joel Stovold Barker College
Lafo Papalii-Talanai Waverley College
Daniel Villate-Gallagher Trinity Grammar School
Hugo Wilson Barker College
Sol Penitani Waverley College
Jarah Carr Waverley College
Daniel Duggan Knox Grammar School
Charlie Harris Cranbrook School
Max Prykiel Knox Grammar School
Hunter Chan Knox Grammar School
Ben Kaberry Knox Grammar School
Paula Teisina Waverley College
Taj Aufai-Farani Cranbrook School
Cooper Matia Waverley College
Xavier Gyngell Knox Grammar School
Jozef Cluff Trinity Grammar School



All parents of boys involved in the NSW Schools Open trials MUST complete the follow registration form before players can play.


Tuesday 25 June 4pm Venue Queens Park

Thursday 27 June 4pm Venue Gillespie Fields Knox Grammar School



Saturday June 29 and Sunday 30 June.

Venue St Gregory’s College Campbelltown 100 Badgally Rd, Gregory Hills

Saturday 29th June

GAME 1                 PRES XV A                   v          ISA II                      9:30am

GAME 2                 AICES                           v          CHS I                      10:20am

GAME 3                 ISA I                             v          CCC                       11:10am

GAME 4                 PRES XV B                    v          CAS                        12:00pm

GAME 5                 Winner Game1           v          Winner Game 2      12.50pm

GAME 6                 Loser Game 1              v          Loser Game 2          1.40pm

GAME 7                 Winner Game 3           v          Winner Game 4     2.30pm

GAME 8                 Loser Game 3              v          Loser Game 4                 3.20pm

Sunday 30th June

CUP FINAL             Loser Game 6              v        Loser Game 8          10.00am

BOWL FINAL          Winner Game 6           v        Winner Game 8      11.30am

PLATE FINAL         Loser Game 5            v           Loser Game 7          1.00pm

SHIELD FINAL     Winner Game      5     v          Winner Game 7       2.30pm


16s CAS Coaching Staff

Rugby 16s Coach              Steve O’Donnell (W)

Rugby 16s Coach              Harry Jones (K)

Rugby 16s Manager         Oliver Knight (W)

Physio Mrs Narelle Veverka 0418 484 944

Convener Mr M Bos


The following costs for players in the CAS Team are charged to the school account


CAS Team Item  Cost

CAS Jersey                                         $62.70

CAS Shorts                                         $32.84

CAS Tie Boys in Yrs 11 (Optional)                $25.00

Team Photo (Optional)                   $60.00


U16s Representative pathway.

NSW U16 Schools trials:

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June

St Gregory’s College, Campbelltown


NSW U16 Regionals: (Final Sydney and Country selections)

Saturday 6th July and Sunday 7th July

Grantham Reserve, Blacktown

*  Please note players can participate in both competitions

** As many as 10 high performing U16 players maybe allowed to miss the NSW Invitational. These players will have been identified (by Waratahs staff) in the Rugby Union Pathway as players suitable for the Waratahs U16’s


NSW invitational:

Friday 12th July and Sunday 14th July at Eastern Suburbs Rugby Club


City V Country U16 Sunday 28 July- Bathurst

Monday 29th July Waratahs U16 Squad announcement

CAS Opens Rugby Teams Announced

Congratulations to the following players that have been selected in the CAS 1sts and 2nds Rugby teams. All players and shadows are to attend the training and medicals at Cranbrook School tomorrow details below

CAS 1sts
Name School Position
Nick Hill Barker College 1
Max Meagher Trinity Grammar School 2
Keegan Daly Barker College 3
Taj Smith Barker College 4
James Finegan Waverley College 5
Heath Turner Knox Grammar School 6
Oliver Aboud Waverley College 7
TJ Talaileva Barker College 8
Hugo Schneider Waverley College 9
Harrison Dene Barker College 10
Reilly Caswell Knox Grammar School 11
Troy Patea Waverley College 12
Riley Evans Waverley College 13
Max Roach Knox Grammar School 14
Charlie Poynton Barker College 15
CAS 2nds
Name School Position
Harper Strachan Knox Grammar School 1
Seb Gyngell Knox Grammar School 2
William Lloyd Knox Grammar School 3
Ollie Slingo St Aloysius College 4
Nathaniel Thomas Barker College 5
Thomas Haslam Knox Grammar School 6
James Nester Waverley College 7
Cameron MacKenzie Cranbrook School 8
Jeremy Rath Barker College 9
Tye Jecks Knox Grammar School 10
Henry Colvin Knox Grammar School 11
Finn Wake St Aloysius College 12
Lance Tovio Cranbrook School 13
Brock Prideaux Trinity Grammar School 14
Josh Barr Waverley College 15
Marcus Mastro Trinity Grammar School 16
Matthew Harrison Barker College 17
Luka Ponsonby St Aloysius College 18
Oliver Ryan Knox Grammar School 19
Joseph Harkin St Aloysius College 20
Patrick Thomson Trinity Grammar School 21
Kahu Capper Waverley College 22
Alexander Ward Barker College 23
Name School Position
Archie Godby Waverley College 1
Daryus Sione Waverley College 2
James Jackson Cranbrook School 3
Nolan Bray Knox Grammar School 4
Jack Weeks Cranbrook School 5
Quon Gibb Barker College 6
Jed Smith Cranbrook School 7
Seb Latham Cranbrook School 8
Tom Marchant Cranbrook School 9
Logan Toohey Trinity Grammar School 10
King Manu Waverley College 11
James Archer Barker College 12
Oliver Chandler-Sullivan Barker College 13
Josh Ballard Waverley College 14
Riley Keen Cranbrook School 15

Training and match schedule

ALL players MUST attend training sessions.

Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the squad.

Any injuries must be reported immediately to the Squad Physiotherapist, Mrs Narelle Veverka.

All parents of boys involved in the NSW Schools Open trials MUST complete the follow registration form before players can play.

Opens link


Sunday 23 June Training and Medical Cranbrook School

Players are to meet in the reception of the Murray Rose Aquatic Centre at 10am.

Tuesday 25 June – Training from 4pm at Knox Grammar School No 1

Wednesday 26 June – Training 3:30pm Venue St. Aloysius College Oval – Tyneside Ave, Willoughby


Thursday 27 June – Games Venue Pittwater Rugby Park

10:20 CAS 2 v Sydney Juniors

11:10 CAS 1 v CHS 1

13:10 CAS 2 v ISA 2

14:00 CAS 1 v ISA 1


Friday 28 June – Games Venue Knox Grammar School No 1

17:45 CAS 2 v GPS 2

19:00 CAS 1 v GPS 1


For the full draw of the NSWSRU trials click here


Team photos will also be taken prior to each team warming up on the Thursday.

** All boys in the 2nd XV are expected to stay and reserve for the 1st XV **


CAS Coaching staff

1sts Rugby Coach                            Mick Snowden (T)

1sts Rugby Coach                            Craig Roberts (B)

1sts Rugby Manager                       Sam Northcott (B)

2nds Rugby Coach                            Jack Leger-Ryan (B)

2nds Rugby Coach                            Andrew Dovgan (K)

2nds Rugby Assistant Coach            Ben Robinson (B)

2nds Rugby Manager                     James Tesoriero (A)

Physiotherapist – Mrs N. Veverka 0418 484 944


If you are having any problems, please do not hesitate to call any of the above staff at their respective schools


The following costs for players in the CAS Team are charged to the school account

CAS Team Item                                               Cost

CAS Jersey                                                        $62.70

CAS Shorts                                                        $32.84

CAS Tie Boys in Yrs 11 & 12 (Optional)      $25.00

Team Photo (Optional)                                  $60.00


Selections into NSW Schools 1 and 2 and NSWJRU U18s to play in the Australian Schools Rugby Championships will be announced on Friday 28th June after 8pm. Players selected will be advised if they are required for a medical due to any injury that NSWSRU is aware that they have sustained during the NSWSRU trials.

The Australian Schools Rugby Championships July 1 to 5 Sunshine Coast Stadium Queensland Matches Tuesday Wednesday and Friday. Cost for NSWSRU teams to attend the ASRU Championships is $1500


CAS Convener Mr M. Bos

CAS Cross Country Team to run against GPS

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the CAS team to run against GPS on 03/08/24 Saturday at Shore Playing Fields, Northbridge

1 Matthew Radvin Cranbrook School
2 Julian Kelly Cranbrook School
3 Rhys Olson-Keating Trinity Grammar School
4 Henry Roberts Cranbrook School
5 Huon Groves Cranbrook School
6 Asher Thomasyu Waverley College
7 Alex Christian Trinity Grammar School
8 Max Shabat Cranbrook School
R Leo Jreige Waverley College
R Christian Miletic Waverley College
R Peter Dawson Trinity Grammar School
1 Matt McLachlan Trinity Grammar School
2 Kobe Stewart Trinity Grammar School
3 Samuel Oliver Trinity Grammar School
4 Rohan O’Donnell Cranbrook School
5 Daniel Simpson Trinity Grammar School
6 Joshua Lubke Trinity Grammar School
7 James Hendry Trinity Grammar School
8 Carlo Furlan Trinity Grammar School
R Charles Coutts Cranbrook School
R Joshua McEwan Trinity Grammar School
R Felix Malcolm Cranbrook School
1 Evan Rowbotham Waverley College
2 George Cardonnel Cranbrook School
3 Thomas Altundag Cranbrook School
4 Sebastian Sentas Trinity Grammar School
5 Koji Howard Waverley College
6 John Brivulis Knox Grammar School
7 Charlie Roberts Cranbrook School
8 Remy McKay Cranbrook School
R James E Trinity Grammar School
R Nathan Jones Trinity Grammar School
R Spencer Rouse Cranbrook School

The selected students will need to run in their CAS singlets and write their normal singlet number on their arm.

The team photo for the Opens team will be taken before their race.

CAS AFL Team Announced

The congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the CAS AFL team

Henry Lamond Waverley College
Alex Marshall Waverley College
Ricky Meyrick Waverley College
Sam Rossen Waverley College
Liam Walsh Waverley College
Oscar Wilson Waverley College
Callum Padman Trinity Grammar School
RJ Waters Barker College
Hugo Brasher Knox Grammar School
Jim Houston Knox Grammar School
Tom Baty Knox Grammar School
Tom Ballantyne Knox Grammar School
Henry Williams Knox Grammar School
Cameron Lee Knox Grammar School
Callum Irish Knox Grammar School
Kasper Mole Knox Grammar School
Spencer McKay Cranbrook School
Sam Weir Cranbrook School
Jack Beverley St Aloysius College
Lucas McCartney St Aloysius College
Jacob Harper St Aloysius College
Ben Leman St Aloysius College
Samuel Jackson St Aloysius College
Joseph Dametto Waverley College
Lewis Whiley Knox Grammar School

The match will be played on Wednesday 26 June kick off will be at 2pm venue Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview 115 Tambourine Bay Rd, Riverview NSW 2066.

Final team training Venue W H Wagener Oval, Ashbury from 4pm on Monday 24 June.

Opens AFL Coach  Mr S Jackson Trinity Grammar School

Opens AFL Coach Mr B Shorthouse Waverley College

Opens AFL coach Mr R O’Keefe Waverley College

CAS Volleyball Team Selected

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the CAS Volleyball team to play GPS.

The match will take place on 25 June and will be hosted by GPS at Sydney Grammar School at 5pm.

Joey Mascarenhas Barker College
Harry Hamilford Cranbrook School
Cameron Wlossak Knox Grammar School
William Li Knox Grammar School
Neilson Chen Knox Grammar School
Stephen Lee Knox Grammar School
Imran Parker Trinity Grammar School
Peter Vithoulka Trinity Grammar School
Chris Chin Trinity Grammar School
Ayman Parker Trinity Grammar School
Marc-Anthony Younan Trinity Grammar School
Cooper Ryan Waverley College

Final team training 17 June from 4-5:30pm at Trinity Grammar School.

Volleyball Coach Filip Zapala (T)
Volleyball Assistant Coach Sean Bosschieter (K)

The following costs for players in the CAS Team are charged to the school account

CAS Team Item Cost
CAS Singlet  $   29.70
CAS Shorts  $   24.20
CAS Tie for Boys in Yrs 11 & 12 (Optional)  $   25.00
Team Photo (Optional)  $   60.00

CAS AFL Trial List

The following students have been nominated to attend the trial for the CAS AFL team to be held on Monday 17 June at 4pm Venue W H Wagener Oval, Ashbury .

First Surname School
Thomas Coughlin Waverley College
Joseph Dametto Waverley College
Henry Lamond Waverley College
Alex Marshall Waverley College
Jonathon McDonald Waverley College
Ricky Meyrick Waverley College
James O’Loughlin Waverley College
Ben Pignatelli Waverley College
Sam Rossen Waverley College
Liam Walsh Waverley College
Oscar Wilson Waverley College
Ryan Webb Trinity Grammar School
Samuel Eastwood Trinity Grammar School
Mason McGroder Trinity Grammar School
Callum Padman Trinity Grammar School
Callum Robinson Trinity Grammar School
Joseph Condell Barker College
RJ Waters Barker College
Jordan Feutardo Barker College
Noah Dunn Barker College
Oliie Griffiths Barker College
Hugo Brasher Knox Grammar School
Jim Houston Knox Grammar School
Lewis Whiley Knox Grammar School
Tom Baty Knox Grammar School
Tom Ballantyne Knox Grammar School
Henry Williams Knox Grammar School
Cameron Lee Knox Grammar School
Callum Irish Knox Grammar School
Kasper Mole Knox Grammar School
Noah Pillinger Knox Grammar School
Blake Rundell Knox Grammar School
Joseph Loucas Cranbrook School
Peter Tallis Cranbrook School
Spencer McKay Cranbrook School
Sam Weir Cranbrook School
Oscar Wright Cranbrook School
Noah Doherty Cranbrook School
Alex Copping Cranbrook School
Jack Beverley St Aloysius’ College
Lucas McCartney St Aloysius’ College
Jacob Harper St Aloysius’ College
Ben Leman St Aloysius’ College
Jamison Veitch St Aloysius’ College
Samuel Jackson St Aloysius’ College
Tom Cullen St Aloysius’ College
Jack Quinane St Aloysius’ College
Peter Moorcroft St Aloysius’ College
Aidan McCartney St Aloysius’ College

The team will be announced on 19 June on the CAS Website.

Final team training Venue W H Wagener Oval, Ashbury from 4pm on Monday 24 June.

Details for the team are as follows

The match will be played on Wednesday 26 June kick off will be at 2pm Venue Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview 115 Tambourine Bay Rd, Riverview NSW 2066.


Opens AFL Coach  Mr S Jackson Trinity Grammar School
Opens AFL Coach Mr B Shorthouse Waverley College
Opens AFL coach Mr R O’Keefe Waverley College

The following costs for players in the CAS Team are charged to the school account

CAS Team Item Cost
CAS Shirt  $   36.30
CAS Shorts  $   20.90
CAS Tie for Boys in Yrs 11 & 12 (Optional)  $   25.00
Team Photo (Optional)  $   60.00

Squad for CAS Volleyball Trial Announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to trial for the CAS Volleyball team to play GPS. The match will take place on 25 June and will be hosted by GPS at Sydney Grammar School at 5pm.

Ben Lo St Aloysius’ College
Tim Wilson Barker College
Joey Mascarenhas Barker College
Harry Hamilford Cranbrook School
Angus Cotter Cranbrook School
Cameron Wlossak Knox Grammar School
William Li Knox Grammar School
Neilson Chen Knox Grammar School
Stephen Lee Knox Grammar School
Imran Parker Trinity Grammar School
Peter Vithoulka Trinity Grammar School
Chris Chin Trinity Grammar School
Ayman Parker Trinity Grammar School
Casey Chan Trinity Grammar School
Isaac Latt Trinity Grammar School
Marc-Anthony Younan Trinity Grammar School
Cooper Ryan Waverley College
Renato Rovacchi Waverley College
Joe Mohi Waverley College
Aidan Murray Waverley College

Training and final selection from the squad will be Thursday 13 June 5pm at Knox Grammar School Great Hall.
Final team training 17 June from 4-5:30pm at Trinity Grammar School.

Volleyball Coach Filip Zapala (T)
Volleyball Assistant Coach Sean Bosschieter (K)

The following costs for players in the CAS Team are charged to the school account

CAS Team Item Cost
CAS Singlet  $   29.70
CAS Shorts  $   24.20
CAS Tie for Boys in Yrs 11 & 12 (Optional)  $   25.00
Team Photo (Optional)  $   60.00

CAS U16s Rugby Trial List Announced

The following students have been selected to attend the CAS U16s rugby trials (details below)

First Name Surname School
Mark Falaniko-Brown Peterson-Patolo Barker College
Tahj Smith Barker College
Joel Stovold Barker College
Jeremy Rath Barker College
Hugo Wilson Barker College
Lucas Ward Barker College
Sam Ive Barker College
Charlie Harris Cranbrook School
Luke Sergis Cranbrook School
Cruz Cronan Cranbrook School
Angus Messiter Cranbrook School
Toby Pearce Cranbrook School
Ethan Sackar Cranbrook School
Johan Ah Colt Cranbrook School
Taj Aufai-Farani Cranbrook School
Kingston Hoffman Cranbrook School
Vinnie Tagg Cranbrook School
Nicholas Kotarac Knox Grammar School
Alexander Ryan Knox Grammar School
Jackson Pisani Knox Grammar School
Ben Kaberry Knox Grammar School
Adam Middlewick Knox Grammar School
Chris Neal Knox Grammar School
Angus Kooyman Knox Grammar School
Daniel Duggan Knox Grammar School
Max Prykiel Knox Grammar School
Hunter Chan Knox Grammar School
Xavier Gyngell Knox Grammar School
Nicholas Lee St Aloysius’ College
Sam Price St Aloysius’ College
Kieren Morson St Aloysius’ College
Matthew Clarke St Aloysius’ College
James Blair St Aloysius’ College
Daniel Villate-Gallagher Trinity Grammar School
Jozef Cluff Trinity Grammar School
Christos Caridi Trinity Grammar School
Cody Ramanauskus Trinity Grammar School
Charlie Teulon Trinity Grammar School
Xavier Potts Trinity Grammar School
Roman Leilua Waverley College
Lafo Papalii-Talanai Waverley College
Kai Towns Waverley College
Jarah Carr Waverley College
Cy Preketes Waverley College
Charlie Grant Waverley College
Kobi Siltala Waverley College
Sol Penitani Waverley College
Cooper Matia Waverley College
Paula Teisina Waverley College


The CAS U16 trial day will be held at Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union Club Woollahra Oval O’Sullivan Rd, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023 on Wednesday June 5th from 12:30pm to 3pm. The trials will take the form of skills tests and a game. Players will be scored on each of the skills test and be given a rating on their game performance.

Players are asked to trial in school shorts and socks you will be provided with a jersey to trial in on the day (and it is to be returned at the end of the day).


After the trial, the final squad of 25 plus shadows will be selected for the U16 NSW school boys’ trials. The team will be listed on the CAS website on the evening of June 22.

Tuesday 25 June 4pm Venue Queens Park
Thursday 27 June 4pm Venue Gillespie Fields Knox Grammar School

Saturday June 29 and Sunday 30 June.
Venue St Gregory’s College Campbelltown 100 Badgally Rd, Gregory Hills

Saturday 29th June

 GAME 1                 PRES XV A                   v          ISA II                      9:30am

GAME 2                 AICES                           v          CHS I                      10:20am

GAME 3                 ISA I                             v          CCC                       11:10am

GAME 4                 PRES XV B                    v          CAS                        12:00pm

GAME 5                 Winner Game1           v          Winner Game 2      12.50pm

GAME 6                 Loser Game 1              v          Loser Game 2          1.40pm

GAME 7                 Winner Game 3           v          Winner Game 4     2.30pm

GAME 8                 Loser Game 3              v          Loser Game 4                 3.20pm

Sunday 30th June

 CUP FINAL             Loser Game 6              v        Loser Game 8          10.00am

BOWL FINAL          Winner Game 6           v        Winner Game 8      11.30am

PLATE FINAL         Loser Game 5            v           Loser Game 7          1.00pm

SHIELD FINAL     Winner Game      5     v          Winner Game 7       2.30pm